
My only wish is that we had run such a program much earlier in my career. The $7,500 savings would have converted to hundreds of thousands of savings over the years!

Marty Palumbos

Your speaker discussed different topics about how to file taxes and save dollars!

Jerry Zamora

Great ideas to make us more tax efficient!

Darrel L. Kutz

Your speaker was extremely knowledgeable and very good at communicating how certain deductions worked and ways I could implement them into my deductions, ones that I had not heard of before! Those tips alone will save me $$$$ in the future!

Steve Prescott

Your instructor has the ability to bring complicated issues to the common business owner. The instructor spoke our language… and empowered me to talk to my tax preparer in an educated fashion on subjects that I had no idea I could use to my advantage – Thank you Bradford and Company!!

Theresa Schaffer

Awesome Tax Saving Strategies! This will revolutionize my business planning.

Ben Robison

Engaging…super informative…great speaker!

Ryan Iwanga

One of the best speakers I’ve ever heard… the information was great! I wish I had taken this class when I started in real estate 15 years ago.

Tatjana Bajrami

This seminar actually provided value without the sales pitch. So many try to sell the product without anything of value in the ‘free’ class. This had excellent information. Kelly was very engaging, kept the class moving forward, great sense of humor. Great immediate take-aways!

Barbara Chick

He went over some of the relevant strategies and made it clear why we as RE professionals need Pro Help with our Taxes to take advantage of the 171 tax deductions available to us. Thanks!

Jeff Hurst

Your speaker was awesome! She was thorough, provided just the right amount of details, and had a very intentional and engaging pace from the get-go. Could have listened to her for hours!

Craig DEgidio

Your instructor kept me focused. Learning about the vehicle expenses and home office expenses rules was wonderful. My husband and I are going to take control back for the business and our taxes!

Kristina Peck