Sue Copening
Tax Strategies Live Instructor
Sue Copening is a veteran instructor with more than nine years teaching tax-reduction strategies. As a former real estate agent and current real estate investor, she offers unique and valuable insights into growing a business. Her combined experience as a Bradford instructor and an accomplished national trainer/consultant will give you a new perspective on your taxes and how to keep more money you earn!
“Very well spoken and took the time to make the presentation intereractive. I’m very appreciative that your speaker took the time to speak with our group, by far a great presentation and a speakerr with valuable information.”
George Olivo
WCR Brownsville, Texas Chapt
“Your speaker gave real world examples of Tax Deduction Opporunities!.”
Dr. Norma Reyes
President Elect
Greater San Antonio Hespanic
Dental Assoociation
San Antonio, TX